Minnesota PreK-3 Planning


The purpose of this page is to share information about PreK-3 systems work in Minnesota, particularly work being done at state and regional levels. The first set of tabs provide information to help communicate the work being done in Minnesota. The bottom set of tabs includes key information and research that will help districts and communities plan and prioritize their work (each tab also contains links to original sources or pages with more topic information). Go to the Building Your System page for more resources on P3 system planning and implementation

Guidance, Research, and Essential Information

Addressing Race and Class in P3

Supporting the School Readiness and Success of Young African American Boys Project: Reflections on a Culturally Responsive Strength-Based Approach
Click Here, Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC), https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov

Race Equity Glossary
Click Here, MN Education Equity Partnership