Instructional Tools


Goal & Strategies*

Standards, curricula, and assessments focus on both academic and social-emotional skills, and are aligned to create instructional coherence, PreK-3rd grade.


Meaningful, rigorous, and aligned standards are used to articulate what children are expected to learn.

Example Implementation Indicators

Superintendents, Principals, Teachers, Community-based Partners

  • Demonstrate a developmentally informed understanding of what young children, PreK-3rd, need to know and be able to do.
  • Use federal- and state-level (and other) alignment rubrics to inform their work.
  • Develop learning progressions that support children’s continuous progress from year to year.
  • Regularly use standards and learning progressions in professional development and family conferences.


  • Know that standards exist across PreK-3rd and understand how they are used in schools and early childhood programs.
  • Demonstrate understanding of how standards support their children’s learning and educational success.


* Kauerz, K. & Coffman, J. (2013). Framework for Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating PreK-3rd Grade Approaches. Seattle, WA: College of Education, University of Washington.