Cross-Sector Work


Goal & Strategies*

Mechanisms, resources, and structures exist that reflect, support, and sustain shared vision, collaborative relationships, and mutual accountabilities between 0-5 and K-12.


Establish and support collaborative (cross-organizational and crosssector) board or committee that formalizes decision-making roles and responsibilities among partners and prioritizes PreK-3rd efforts.

Example Implementation Indicators

District Administrators/Community Leaders

  • Establish board, committee, or other entity with explicit responsibility for guiding and making decisions about PreK-3rd efforts.
  • Identify and engage both school- and community-based partners as key participants

Principals/Site Administrators

  • Identify and create formal linkages with the primary early learning programs that send children to particular elementary schools (feeder patterns).
  • Establish a PreK-3rd leadership group that includes both school- and community-based teachers and is responsible for building teamwork across age/grade levels.


  • Perceive the entities responsible for guiding PreK-3rd efforts to have credibility and influence.
  • Demonstrate shared language and understanding of PreK-3rd.


Continuing Education

* Kauerz, K. & Coffman, J. (2013). Framework for Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating PreK-3rd Grade Approaches. Seattle, WA: College of Education, University of Washington.