2018-19 Regional P3 Workshops
2018-19 Regional PreK-3 Leadership Workshops

Regional P3 Leadership Workshops
Focused, high-quality PreK-3 systems provide us with the greatest potential for achieving World's Best Workforce (WBWF) goals. PreK-3 systems with a broader scope, including collaborations with other organizations and providers, enable communities to focus their efforts on maximizing child outcomes.

These workshops are about learning and doing. District/community teams will spend time learning about evidence-based school improvement strategies within a PreK-3 system, followed by dedicated time spent on ensuring the most impactful school improvement strategies are effective in your PreK-3 system.

Day 1 - Elements of High-Performing PreK-3 Systems: Community Partnerships, Transitions, and Data-Driven Improvement
Day 2 - Teaching and Instructional Quality in your PreK-3 System: Aligning Curriculum, Assessments and Instruction, and Ensuring High-Quality Learning Environments for ALL Students
Day 3 - Blending and Braiding: Maximizing your Federal, State, and Local Resources to Support your PreK-3 System

Alignment and coherence are a focus throughout the workshops where teams practice aligning on paper (e.g. practices, procedures, policies, etc.) followed by ensuring alignment in practice, which is coherence.

P3 Work & Resources

Cross-Sector Work

Cross-sector work is an essential component of comprehensive, inclusive P3 systems (mixed-delivery fits in this area of P3 work). With your P3 approach, you will always be working toward building relationships with others who impact children's learning and development. Some relationships may simply result in an alignment of priorities while others will result in formal collaborations. Knowing where children are in your community before they enter kindergarten is a first step. Ensuring districts, child care, and Head Start are connected is a goal of these workshops. However, P3 systems do not stop there, and cross-sector work will always be ongoing. See The School Readiness Playbook: A Guide for Community Partners for an example of community partners.
As you delve into your cross-sector work, what are important considerations to keep in mind? For example, other systems may have different requirements (e.g. child care licensing, Head Start performance standards), different vocabularies and ways of understanding, describing, and interpreting their work. With this in mind, it is a valuable use of time to focus on developing shared understandings.
All of the resources below were selected to help you with your work

A PreK-3rd Coalition: How Three School Districts Accomplished More Together than Alone
Click Here, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Beyond the School Yard: Pre-K Collaborations with Community-Based Partners
Click Here, Albert Wat & Chrisanne Gayl, (2009), The Pew Center on the States

Cities Focus on the PreK-3rd Continuum
by Laura Bornfreund, New America Foundation
Click Here

Foundations for Excellence: A Guide for Five-Year Planning and Continuous Improvement, 2nd Edition
Click Here, Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center

Innovating to Align Early Childhood Services
Click Here, FSG

Minnesota Head Start Association (MHSA)
Click Here or go to http://www.mnheadstart.org

Partners for Success: Case Studies of Collaboration Between Head Start and Pre-K
Click Here, National Head Start Association, Emmalie Dropkin, July 2013

The School Readiness Playbook: A Guide for Community Partners
Click Here, Dana E. Friedman and Nina Sazer O’Donnell, Long Island PreK Initiative, Nassau BOCES, https://www.nassauboces.org/schoolreadinessplaybook

Community Systems Development Toolkit
The Community Systems Development Toolkit supports the hands-on implementation of collaborative systems work at the local level, providing resource tools that cover the full spectrum of community systems and coordination work.
Click Here, BUILD Initiative

Minnesota Child Care Provider Location Data Request Form
MDE and Child Care Aware of Minnesota are working together to provide a centralized report service to build stronger partnerships between school districts and community-based licensed child care providers. By completing the form below, districts can request location data of licensed child care providers within their enrollment area. Child Care Aware of Minnesota’s regional partner agencies will receive notice of a school’s request and provide follow-up services and resources between local child care providers and elementary schools to build collaborations.
Click here for form

PreK‐3: Promoting Early School Success for All - Strategies That Work
Assessment tool
Click Here, Marin Community Foundation ‐ Haas Family Fund